Private syndicate, invitation only, Syndicate created to form an investment company to produce ”Dempsey Rising”, a motion picture origin story of roaring twenties heavyweight champion Jack Dempsey. Authentic fact based interpretation of the colorful background and exciting life of Jack Dempsey as a young man.
Boxing movies never miss. They may not all become the next “Rocky”, “Million Dollar Baby” or “Raging Bull” but with their built in fan base and international appeal they start the movie money making game with a big advantage over other genres. Marketing bullseye for Gen X and Y where the spendable entertainment dollars live.
Don’t let your chance to get in on the real ground floor escape. Go for a Knockout. Once the profit train starts rolling it will be a great ride and a shot at glory. Train rewards the passengers with the foresight to get on at the beginning of the journey with a great investment opportunity upside. Why invest in something slow and boring? Put your money in an investment you care about where you can enjoy watching it grow with a shot at the big time. Not only do you get mentioned in the IMDB official database and directory as an executive producer, enjoy set visits, bit parts, take photos and meet actors but it is also a sound business investment.
- International appeal of world famous legend Jack Dempsey
- Boxing films seem to always make out well…sometimes very well.
- Covers Dempsey from ages 10-23 where the great demographics for moviegoers lie.
- Roaring twenties prequel (Willard fight takes place right at beginning of Prohibition)
- Factual. Meticulously researched, historically actual real locations.
- Strategically targeted marketing action film by a professional advisory board.
- Ground floor investment is first in line for transferable tax credits, stacked state and local tax
rebates and breaks, merchandising, foreign receipts and Streaming, On Demand and DVD
independent sales with ongoing income streams. - Generous returns are the industry standard.
- Diversify your portfolio
Two different films went for $20 million this year at Sundance in Utah.
Much of our story takes place in Utah.
Can’t hurt.
Foreign Distribution
Videos on demand
Tax Credits
Early investors are favored for payment fast.
You have enough safe and boring investments…why not swing for the fences with an exciting opportunity you can enjoy all the way?